Thank you all so, so, so, so much for the comments on Brad’s wreck. He’s doing a lot better now. He went back to work Tuesday and is just trying to heal mentally and physically. :thumbsup:

Did I have a good birthday? Overall, yes. Brad is still by my side and that was the best birthday present I could ever, ever have. I’m working on a new layout – hence the reason why colors have been changing on my site. I was gonna try to get it up today but been soooo busy.
Well, our baby pomeranian is doing GREAT! He keeps me busy almost ALL the time. I’m using the cage training method so I have to take him outside a lot but I HOPE it’ll all be worth it in the long run. HE IS SO. CUTTTE!!!!!! :grinny: Oh, and we named him Daxter and we’ll call him Dax!!!
I’ll get some pics of him soon.. again, things have just been so hectic lately.
Expect a LONG post soon about all our birthday stuff and Daxter!!!!!! :cool:

I’m gonna go for now
Later lovies!!!!!!! :) :MUAH: