I felt okay for the majority of Sunday. I actually woke up really early! Well.. early for the weekend. I woke up around 7-8AM and couldn’t go back to sleep (and I had trouble getting to sleep TOO) so I finally got up and ate the rest of my Hardee’s chicken sandwich from Saturday night and then got sleepy so I layed down on the couch and went to sleep.

Kept waking up every now and then and eventually I woke up for good around 12-1PM. Brad was up by then sitting on our other couch, reading his book when I finally woke up. We were kindof not talking to each other at first Saturday. Why? Well, I’m pretty close to be called a “neat freak” and when I want things picked up.. I’d like for them to be picked up THEN and not 2 hours later or a day later, right then! Brad has a tendency to say, “I will LATER!” and then get huffy with me for just wanting him to help me get OUR PLACE tidy!

SOOO. We got ready today to go to Wally World to do our usual weekend grocery shopping and we weren’t talking. We didn’t talk the whole way there and he didn’t have the radio or any music on. I was pretty sleepy on the way. Once we got in Wal-Mart and started our shopping, that’s when we finally resolved it. He said that It seems he can never keep me happy and I told him If he’d just TRY to help me keep the place tidy and pick up things then things would be a lot better. It just DRIVES ME INSANE (literally) when things are left laying around. I got that trait from my (Grand)”Mom”. She is the EXACT same way. We finally were talking and shopping.. he said he’ll really try harder. It’s just becoming a really bad problem for me. Like, when he’s done with his dinner and we eat in the living room. Where do dishes live? THE SINK. Where does he put them? ON THE FLOOR!!!! Then he says he gets tired of me asking him over and over again to put up this, put away that and I told him I would LOVE to NOT ask him! If he would just DO IT right then and get it over with It would be SO MUCH EASIER on BOTH of us. Again, he said he will try harder. I surely hope so.. for the both of us. To him, It sounds “silly” because I get so crazy about things laying around and not being put back where they belong but that is just WHO I AM. I don’t see It changing anytime soon… in fact, never. Sigh. Sometimes, with Brad I feel like I’m raising a child instead of having a husband. And yenno, the sad truth about it is — It’s kindof true. His Mom always waited on him hand and foot. Picked up his dishes for him, his socks, his clothes, cleaned his room for him. Did this, did that for him. WELLLLLL, guess what?! I’m NOT YOUR MOMMA. I have told him that over and over and over until I feel almost blue in the face.

He just really needs to realize that I’m NOT gonna do those things for him and that It WOULD NOT hurt him to put his dirty clothes in the BASKET, dirty dishes in the SINK, trash in the TRASH CAN, clean clothes put away in the DRAWERS. I clean the house, I take care of the cleaning of the whole house and I take care of 13 (inside) animals. It’s not an easy job, at all. Then he’s gonna get HUFFY with me just coz I ask him to put away his dirty socks in the BASKET?! I think NOT. *sigh sigh* This is my major issue with Brad.. I’m hoping he will definetly work on it. That’s all I ask. Because It really DOES bother me. And he told me today that he was gonna turn into a “neat freak” like me. I’m not exactly a “neat freak“.. Yes I like things tidy but not SPOTLESS. Hell, right now, our kitchen floor isn’t the cleanest and yenno, that’s alright. I’m not gonna (almost) kill myself trying to do a million billion cleaning chores at once. I have before though.. stayed up all night (literally) cleaning every room in the entire house. That was rough.

Just needed to vent that out. I’m actually pretty tired right now. I think I’m gonna head to bed soon here. I actually wanted to get some stuff done on the site but now, I don’t know. It’s Monday.. Brad has to get up and go to work earlier than usual since he has an extra motorhome to work on. 
Speaking of work and all, I tried talking to Brad about him going to college. Whether It be going to the actual campus or an online type deal or even the type where they SEND you the material and you complete it at home. He told him he knows he wouldn’t do good.. he’s never done good in school. In High School, he would NEVER do his homework, never studied and did horribly. He said he’d probably do the same thing in college. He also mentioned that he KNOWS he could NEVER go to work and then college. Apparently, he’s not that type of person. I was just trying to help him.. and then he said, “Nope, I’m doomed.” :blank: *sigh* As for me, I just don’t know what I want to do as far as college. Like, what I would want to be and plus we live in a little bitty town and what would I do in a little town like that even with college? There’s only a few small jobs and then factory jobs. THAT’S it.

I’m thinking I’ll either work at one of the small stores for a bit (dollar store? fred’s? maybe CVS?) and then maybe after a while see about another job… OR I may go for a home-based job like Brad’s Mom does. She gets about $600 every 2 weeks. Not too bad. Any extra money for us would HELP WONDERS. Plus, Brad was saying that the job he works now is the best paying job in our little bitty town and It has EXCELLENT health + dental insurance and he probably couldn’t get insurance like that on just any other job. He just complains that he’ll be there “for the next 50 years”.. :yell: Maybe a few years down the road he’ll realize he does want to take a shot at some sort of college? Who knows.

Alright.. enough ranting and venting for me. It’s almost 2AM and my digital camera wouldn’t connect to my computer so those pictures and new cam pic I was gonna upload are just gonna have to wait!!! 
Some actual GOOD NEWS! (yay!) Brad’s Mom is helping us look for a house (of course) and she said that she definetly will help us get moved to a (whichever new) house BEFORE CHRISTMAS! HELL YES! I’m so stoked. A HOUSE?! Woot. WE’LL ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO HAVE DSL?! YES! :grinny: I can’t can’t can’t wait!!!!! :D Now, our job the next few months is to find a DECENT HOUSE. House hunting is definetly not easy. ARGH. And it’s so frustrating. Espically for me. We’ll eventually find a decent one though, somehow.

Gonna post this and get ready for bed! Nite niteeee. :sleep:   Â