First off – NEW LAYOUT. And as for the person who claimed I copied’s style, wtf? K so I can’t use TABLES as well and make a cute little navigation either? PFFT. Is it the same color or font? NO. Is anything the same colors as hers? NO. It took me quite a while to really get a nice layout out of this picture. I had it really simple at first and I HATED IT. I wanted an actual background and to make it more colorful so I had to mess with it for 2 days and I finally came up with this! :) NICKELBACK TICKET!WOOT! THE CONCERT IS TOMORROW! I cannot WAIT. (click the image of the ticket to see it bigger) Brad’s Mom is gonna take us there and pick us up afterwards since It’ll probably be pretty late once It’s over and Brad has a tendency to almost FALL ASLEEP at the wheel late at night so that’s why his Mom is taking and picking us up. I’m hoping to get to buy a t-shirt of one of the bands but which t-shirt to get is gonna be my
issue, haha. Brad’s Mom said we can use their binoculars If we wanted so that we could get an up-close look at all the bands and all so I think we will take them! Well.. in not-so-happy news, Friday afternoon I went into the extra room with all the animals and sat on the floor to talk to my hamster Cookie. Cookie bearWhen you talk to her, she’ll stand up and sniff the air as If she knows your talking to her. She did that when I talked to her then she walked around her tank a few times then she went and layed in the corner and I knew It was her time… I got up and went into the living room and told Brad that I was pretty sure Cookie was passing on. He gave me a sad look and by the time we got back in there, she was gone. We cried and cried.. we loved our Cookie bear. She was over 2 years old so she lived a pretty long hamster life. I hope she was happy. R.I.P my little Cookie bear. 8/25/2006 Our lives will never be the same without you my little bear. I miss her so much already. :upset: