I have been so tired today.. been mostly laying around. I could honestly lay back down right now and go back to sleep. I’m hoping this might be our month for baby but I’m not holding my hopes too high. What a tough road trying to conceive is. In the beginning I was thinking It would be easy. Hoo boy was I w-r-o-n-g!!! PMS is due to come Friday so we’ll see. Waiting waiting. It’s actually getting very hard for me to wait, lol. Brad and I both want this so badly. Come on Friday, get here already!!!

It’s a gorgeous day out, almost 85 degrees but luckily, It doesn’t feel that hot. I’m glad today is one of my non-exercise days because really, I don’t think I could today with how tired I am! I just ate my late lunch and I’m still kindof hungry.. the only thing is, I don’t need to eat anything else but I guess I could eat a little something more.

I’m hoping to give my Mom a great Mothers Day gift.. a positive HPT! Hehe, that would be so neat!!!!!!!! :grinny: I’d like to go this weekend to get her something anyway and bring it to her heh I know how much she would love that. She enjoys any company from me and Brad she can get. I really wish she lived closer or we lived closer one.

And I wish I had more to write about haha. I don’t really.. just want this week to fly by! Thankfully It’s already Tuesday! Well I guess I’m gonna go wait for my hubby to get home from work.. he must of had to work a little over today. Have a great Tuesday!! :cool: