Hello June! :grinny: Sure does FEEL like it outside as far as the weather goes! Hot hot!!! Just about 90 out there right now and cloudy – we might get a SLIGHT shower. Slight.

Thank you all for the comments on my last entry! Well, since Brad was off Monday this week seemed to go by a bit faster and now here it is Friday!! WOO! I’ve finished the cleaning for Friday so now I can play lots of Lord of the Rings Online!!!!! I’m almost level 35 and when I reach that I can get a horsie!!!! Can’t wait then I can travel a LOT faster all around! Hehehe. I love that game, lol. It’s so much fun and you get to interact with so many different people! Each map I go to I meet a whole new set of people and then some I already know and get to hang out with more :) It’s awesome!

Don’t really have much news from this week.. can’t say much happened lol. Brad’s cousin James has been staying with us off and on these last few days because his girlfriend broke up with him and he’s having a hard time right now so It’s nice to have some company over!!!!! Hehehe.

What are you guys doing this weekend? We need to go see my Mom again sometime soon – haven’t been to her house in a while. Man I want to go swimming!!!! Speaking of swimming and my ear.. I’m all done with my antibiotic so now I just have to keep my ear as dry as possible so It doesn’t happen again so maybe in like 2 weeks or so we can see about going swimming coz I really want to!!!

Umm well this post was pretty boring lol. I’m gonna go log into Lord of the Rings Online now! Have a great Friday night!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: