I’m eating apples and fruit dip at the moment :grinny:

Well, well. A week since I last updated, lol. I actually have a few things to update about!!!
Friday, I went with Brads Mom, youngest sister and Stepdad. Got to go and get my social security name changed FINALLY! Now I just need to get an ID and permit so I can legally practice driving.
I was gone Friday from 8AM till after 2PM without a nap so I was SO tired. I usually take a nap because I go to bed so late. Had a nice time out though! We ate at Pizza Hut for lunch!

Brads cousin stayed over this weekend and Saturday I wanted to go SWIMMING! Got everything ready and packed in the car. Got almost there and It started to rain haha but the sun was still shining. Rain stopped and we got out of the car and went to get our “tickets” It’s $3 for each person. Man… the water is LOW LOW LOW. It was pitiful! They have a yellow tube marker that’s usually used for a sign of water deepness, HA! You could stand at it this time! So we went out past the marker since the main part was so DIRTY. Saw some turtles pop their head up out of the water! Had a pretty good time EXCEPT there was NO SUN. BOOOO!!!!!! I wanted to try to get a tan. UGH.

Well, when we were getting ready to leave I was trying to decide on something to eat for dinner and people around us were making GRILLED food so I wanted that! Well, Brads cousin has a grill but he didn’t want to have to bring it in his car coz It would get his car dirty soooo. We left the swimming hole to come back home to decide what we were gonna do. Brad went and changed his clothes then we went to Piggly Wiggly and Brad called his Mom and she said that Brads Grandparents have an grill but it’s not moveable. We said that’s fine and they said we could use it! We bought some hamburger meat, hotdogs and drinks. Loaded up and went over there – It was okay. Food was yummmmmy! We didn’t come home until 11pm. Rest of the weekend was just spent playing Lord of the Rings Online! Can’t believe It’s almost July! Brad’s last day of work is the 29th then he’ll have a whole week vacation! We’re either going to a beach or might be going to Georgia, I dunno yet. I just want to swim and get a tan! A whole week of swimming would be lovely! Alright, well, I’m gonna finish my apples and go feed/water my animals then see about working ChaCha a bit!

Have a great Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!