Sorry I haven’t been updating here at all.. just haven’t. I never really have that much to say anyhow.

Saturday, me, Brad and his cousin helped my aunt, my cousin, my aunts friend and my mom load up the moving truck. Mom is now in Georgia ATM. It’s never going to the same anymore.. I just feel hopeless about life. Hopefully things will pick up and I can get modivated to get my life really going! *sigh* Oh well. I need friends. Speaking of.. my (used to be) bestest friend in the whole wide world stopped by with her 2 kids Saturday since Mom was MOVING. YEAH, that’s the only time friends stop by is when your MOVING or someone DIED. We exchanged cell phone numbers.. we’ll see how that goes. I highly doubt it’ll go anywhere since we tried that like 2 years ago, had 1-2 phone calls and that was it. OH WELL.

Mom is my best friend.. atleast when she was living 45 min away I could go sit and talk with her every now and then. I love doing that. Now I’ll only get to see her 1-2 times a YEAR. =( Brad is my best friend too but I need a girl to hang out with, talk to, do things with. Maybe one day. Gonna go finish my dinner now then play Lord of the Rings Online. I’m ready for FALL weather.. It’s been too damn hot here. OH before I go, Mom gave me and Brad her washer and dryer!!! It’s awesome =) My (used to be) bestest friend and Brad’s aunt both asked us this weekend when we were gonna have babies… HAHA GOOD QUESTION! I’m about to throw the towel in and say It’ll happen when It’s meant to happen. I hate taking my temp, watching my chart and only to hope hope hope hope hope then have my period show and be completely and utterly devestated. I’m really thinking I’m gonna not take my temp this month, just go with the flow. Whatever. I go back to the doctor at the end of September so yeah. K, i’m out.