So I’m 5 weeks pregnant today, YAY!!!!!!! :-D Babys heart is starting to beat and circulate blood now :smile: I feel a bit more bloated today and happy about it too, lol. :lol: Gosh, ever since I found out I was pregnant, I have been this extremely happy person. I feel so alive and my heart is already filled with love for this tiny one!

I just got off the phone with Mom not long ago! Of course we talked about babies, babies, babies! SOO exciting! She reallys want to be here when I have the baby. I really hope she can make it too because I want, her, the dearest person to my heart to be here! She said she had sent me a card with pictures of her new kitty (she got him like a month ago?) so she asked If I had checked the mail and I said no and she told me to go check, lol. Sure enough! Got a card from her and my Aunt! AWWWWW. It was so sweet! They both sent congrats cards about the baby and Mom also sent pics of her kitty! Pretty kitty!!! He’s a very light blonde color. She said he is one BAD kitten, :lol: They all are at that age though. And the cards were LOVELY and really touching.

I will eventually start to post pictures of my belly but right now – I already have quite a belly to begin with haha so I’m gonna wait till I atleast start showing a little before I go to blind someone LOL.

BRRRRRR. I think we’re gonna have to turn our gas for our heater back on pretty soon If this cold weather continues. My hands are freezing right now and I had to go put some socks on! It felt ok outside earlier but now that It’s getting into the afternoon It’s getting REALLY cold out there. I always talk about the weather haha.