
Last week Mom told me she went to the lung Doctor because lately she hasn’t been able to breathe hardly at all. They said her lungs weren’t their main concern, her heart was. Monday she went to the heart Doctor and they said she needed to get an angiogram done today to see what was up with her heart. I was SO WORRIED! They said If she had blockages, they would put stents in but If she had more than a couple, she would have to have bypass surgery. Eek. So I worried, worried, worried all day about her. She told me to call her tonight to see If she was home (meaning It wasn’t something bad or that she had to have surgery) but when I called tonight there was no answer so I waited then called my Aunt. No answer on her end either! She called me back tho and said that Mom had 2 blockages and they put 2 stents in today. She gave me Moms room number so I called her.

She seemed to be doing alright but had been having to lay flat of her back since 8:30AM this morning since they had to put tube up her leg to her heart through a major artery and they didn’t want her leg to bleed where they put that in so she can’t move until midnight tonight. She said her back hurt so bad and she can’t wait to move! She also said that she had been STARVING. She ate earlier and when I got off the phone with her they brought her a turkey sandwich, lol. I’m soooo glad that It’s over with and that she’ll have a few days to rest rest rest before we come to visit. She’s gonna have to take it REAL easy and I really wish she would just not even touch cigarettes… The Doctors also said that she had blockages in her kidneys so she’ll have to go to a kidney specialist but she said she’s not gonna go till after the holidays!

I am so, so relieved that It went ok. I can’t wait to see her!!!!!!

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