:) SO! 17 weeks pregnant!! Was reading this morning that baby is about the length of my whole hand stretched out and around the size of a pomengrante! What really pleased me is when It said that baby will start to hear soon and that rubbing my belly and talking to the baby can help with bonding, awwww. I *think* I might feel flutters? I can’t think of anything else It can be! Wonder when I’ll feel a swift little kick??? :) Hah, I know all I talk about now is baby and pregnancy but um.. I lead a pretty average, boring life so bare with me, lol. Brad has been wonderful and supportive for this whole pregnancy. I’m so grateful to have him. I still have a little cold! Still sniffling and stuffed up a bit plus an annoying random cough.

Onto more randomness. I really like watching music videos online and check for new ones often. Check out these 2! 2 of my current most played artists!
Chris Daughtry – Feels Like Tonight
Maroon 5 – Won’t Go Home Without You
Both really great songs IMO!! :D

Anddd lastly, gonna try to work on a new layout pretty soon.. well, hopefully!!!