HI November! :razz: Wow. How this year has flown by! SO I finally sat down and came up with a new fall layout featuring our Katie girl! I just now got done with everything because I had to fix all the colors and edit pages and whatnot.

Time to update about random life happenings! Of course as I mentioned before Brad & I moved into our new apartment and I have to say I REALLY love it! Helps with my tidyness because there are so many places to put things LOL! We’re adjusting well to our new church. Their all really nice but of course It’s new people and a whole new group to get to know. The town we live in now is nice too. We went to the town pet store this last Monday and the owner has a pet monkey! We were looking for chinchilla food and she only had 1 bag left that she had already opened but she said we could buy that and she didn’t take debit or check? Not sure why not so she said to pay her back when we return again! How awesome is that?!? Speaking of animals.. last month my Mom had to put down our 14 year old chihuahua Simba. He was getting too sick and was in pain but It sure was hard on Mom. RIP Simba. Onto jobs! Brad loves his new job and when he comes home he’s pretty much always in a good mood and smiling which I am so happy about! I think he’ll continue to like it too.

Katie D will be 6 months on the 18th of this month! WOW! She takes 7-8oz morning & night plus her baby cereal and about 6oz for her afternoon bottle. Can’t wait till she’s 6 months and I can start her on juice and baby cereal!!! She’s so funny. She’ll coo and make noises at her little plush doll and she seems to be getting stronger on the sitting up position so hopefully soon she’ll master sitting up on her own. I usually try to get her to bed by 7PM and usually she’ll look around or play for 5 minutes then she’s out. Her hair right on top of her head is growing just a tiny more, yay! Heh.

Our new President? I’m cautious. As if I were on the edge of my seat is how I feel about it. All this talk about a big change, big this big that. If he CAN give us great change, fantastic! I just feel worried though. Ugh, I don’t like politics and all that mess to begin with. Never have. I wasn’t for either of them but I really don’t like McCain. /End on politics.

What else? Brad and I are still going as strong as ever. December 10th will be our 3 year wedding anniversary! I’m so thankful for Brad. Love him & our Katie to bits!!! Well, I think this entry has gotten quite long so I’m gonna post it then possibly watch P.S. I Love You! I’ve been wanting to see that movie for a long while & we were supposed to get it with Netflix and we got a movie today and It was SUPPOSED to be P.S. I Love You and we opened it and it was Hitman, WTF? Brad is currently downloading P.S. I Love You on his computer so yay we get to watch it!

Hopefully I can get in the habit of posting more like I used to! :grin: