Aww boo I didn’t get to make a post yesterday but we were VERY BUSY! We literally did not get in the door until after midnight last night! To make a long story short.. basically we drove out to the town where I spent my teenage years to go to a yearly festival and we picked up a friend. Had a really good time!! Katie was very good and I think she really enjoyed being outside and seeing all kinds of people and things. We spent a few hours at the festival then loaded up to go to another town. We stopped by Petsmart then off to Toys R US since the guys wanted to see toys, lol. By the time we had been in Toys R US for a while, I was getting SO HUNGRY. We decided on Red Lobster, mmmmm !!! There I got a salad, steak, grilled shrimp and baked potatoe. It was all so very good, espically the salad!! After dinner, we traveled back to the other town and made a stop at Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. When we got out to go into Wal-Mart, Katie was ZONKED out! She didn’t even wake when Brad was trying to get her carseat situated on the shopping cart! She did wake up after maybe 15-20 minutes of being in Wal-Mart and started to cry and whine since she probably had no clue where she was!

Picked up a few food items then headed off to take our friend home. Then finally we drove to our own home and It was after midnight when we arrived and came in then put Katie to bed! My weigh-in was this morning and… ANOTHER 3LBS LOST! I’m sooo excited! I really do hope I can continue to lose 3lbs a week. That is fantastic! I’ve lost 9lbs in 3 weeks! WAHOOOT! I’m really living a dream by losing this weight because I’ve wanted this for so long. I’m so happy!!! Also, today Katie is 11 months old! This time next month she’ll be having her 1st year birthday!!!

Alright I’m gonna go read a little then get up and clean the rest of the house! Have a great Saturday!!!