Here is the……


Oooh can I just mention how I LOVE this new layout? This one is really special to me, espically with this weight loss journey I’m on. *SQUEE* I’ll be editing it more here and there but for the most part I’m VERY happy with it!! After 3 different changes in color schemes and changing the header pic 2 times then I finally came out with what you see!

One of my classes at church today really lifted my spirits and It’s always wonderful to feel that way. I’d say Sunday has been great! Katie was actually REALLY good at church!! Was even good at the end of church where she usually gets a bit crazy because she was tired! Brad said she only cried just a tiny at the very end of his class! Brad has been gone since about 4PM to a meeting for church and If he goes out to eat with them I told him to get me something since I don’t want to cook something If he’s gonna eat out. Brad’s Grandparents came to visit this afternoon also! So all in all a good day!

Let me know what you think about the new layout??? :smile: