UGH If you’ve looked at my twitter today, you’ve seen that I’ve had a headache. Had this stupid headache all day and my body is a little sore.. I’m hoping it’s from working out and not the sore-before-you-get-sick sore. I’ve been laying down as much as I can today just to rest my body and my exercise today was pretty tough with how I was feeling but I felt “okay” enough to do it. I really hope atleast by tomorrow morning this headache will be gone. Katie was fussy this morning so not a very pleasant morning but she chippered up this afternoon so I’m hoping when she gets up from her nap to eat her dinner that she’ll be in a good mood too.

Watched Conans new show last night! I love that guy because he always make me and Brad laugh and I’ve always loved watching his shows. Ooooh and tonight he’s gonna have GREEN DAY on his show so I must watch that! Definetly not an eventful day today with how I’ve felt but laying around as much as possible isn’t bad either. Gonna finish my snack and watch Wheel of Fortune online! Their in Hawaii this week for the show… wish I was!

Dear headache… go away and stay away!