I really wish I was on my way to a nice beach right about now for a WHOLE day. Nothing but sun, sand, water and a clear mind. That would be really, really, really nice.

I can dream, right???

Spend the day playing in the sand, sun bathing and lots of SWIMMING!

Today has not been the greatest since Katie has been more than whiney this afternoon and I just want to pull my hair out. She’s a good baby but the whining and crying just drives me up the wall. YEAH, I’m NOT having another one. NO baby urges here AT ALL, 0 PERCENT. I know I will look forward to her bed time tonight.

In better news, my hair is much softer now that I’m using the new Biologe shampoo and conditioner! I remember trying it when I was a teenager when someone bought it for me and I would like to keep using it but EEK, it’s kindof expensive!!

Guess I better go search and see what I want for my protein snack! Here’s to a better evening!