I’ve had an OK day I suppose. Brad and I had a nice “wake up call” I guess you could say, heh. Those are always nice. Then I went to weigh myself and got a HIGH number and I’m like WTF so I re-tried and It was literally bouncing numbers all over the place so I reset the dang thing and then It said I lost 4 pounds then I tried again and It said I had lost none. I reset it and tried like 3 more times and then It said the same thing all those times, that I lost nothing. Blasted scale.. I’m gonna re-weigh in the morning just to see what It’ll be. Argh. It completely throws me off when I don’t have a good weigh-in but I know I did my best this week and that’s ALL that matters but still kindof messes with my head.

Other than that, today consisted of:
1) Rain
2) Cleaning the house
3) Getting my talk written up for church tomorrow
4) More cleaning
5) Singing to Katie before her bedtime and her actually letting me hold her like a baby, I think that was my favorite part of the day.

Speaking of her, she woke up at 3AM crying and I think she was cold because we had the air on so tonight I made sure to put her in a full PJ suit so she won’t get cold. Last night when she woke up she took her blanket and laid on top of it, lol.

Oh boy, I just hope she’s good tomorrow at church. That’s my ONE wish for tomorrow. Okies, gonna record some food on my online journal then get dinner started!