Alright! Yesterday! We left the house around noon and It took us till almost 1pm I think to get there to the swimming hole. FINALLY a good day to be swimming! It was in the 90’s, blue sky with random clouds and an invitation from the water that says.. come swim! Brad invited his Mom and sisters to come along so they said they’d come a bit later. We got Katie and our things down to the stone bench then we all put on sunscreen then thought we’d try Katie once again with the water. Same reaction as last time – instant screaming but Brad put her in the very shallow part and let her sit there for a bit. She finally warmed up, she was just scared. Don’t blame her! Big scary new place! She eventually was splashing and seemed to enjoy herself. WIN!!!! We all 3 splashed and played for a good 30 minutes or so. Brad’s Mom, Stepdad and 2/3 of Brad’s sisters came! Brad’s Mom came and sat with Katie while I went out to swim with Brad! YAY! We were out there for 5 hours, woot! Katie stayed in the water maybe 10 more minutes then Brad’s Mom took her out to go feed her since she was fussing and getting a bit tired. Brad’s Mom spent the remainder of the time sitting on one of the picnic tables in the shade entertaining Katie. Heh. I’m still sore today from the swimming but I. LOVE. IT. I did not want to leave, lol. We all got a little sunburnt. My lips got burnt! Katie a tiny on her face and randomly on me and Brad but we had so much fun!!! We got home at like.. almost 7pm I think. Such a relaxing, care free day. I needed that.

Today has been great too!!! It was SO HOT today! It felt like today was the hottest day we’ve had this year! Went outside this afternoon to go to the grocery store and It was so hot that even in the truck driving along the wind was hot. Ick!!! SPEAKING OF SHOPPING. I told myself about 2 weeks ago that at some point when I go to Wal-Mart I was going to try on some pants to see what size I can really wear now since pratically all my pants are baggy now. At my highest size, I had a skort that was size 22 years ago. Now, the smallest pants I have in the house are 18 and they fit and I was thinking I might could fit into something smaller! I’ve been wearing around my size 19 shorts and they are extremely baggy lol. While Brad went wandering around, I picked up a size 15 and 17 jeans. Waited for the fitting room lady to come around and then went into the room. First the 17… baggy! Ok ok. Gulp. Got the size 15 ready to try on and… it fits GREAT! Not tight and even some room! Later I thought about trying for a 14 but OMG. The last time I could wear a 15?!?! Probably when I was a sophomore in High School? WOW. I can’t even describe how happy I am. I told Brad and then he’s like well you wanna buy them? I’m like OH??? He’s like Yeah, absolutely! Their Lei hip huggers and they are LOVE. They fit so well!!! I love jeans that fit nicely and THESE are IT! I feel like I’m in High School again as far as body size! I did this all in less than half a year! Imagine how many more sizes I can drop by the end of this year! STOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dream size? 8 would be super duperly nice.

Woohoo! Came home from grocery shopping and our friend was waiting on us, lol. He’s here now and Brad’s watching him play GHOSTBUSTERS! He’s gonna stay for probably an hour more or so. We played Rock Band together earlier and It was so fun!!! So our “weekend” has been a blast. Tomorrow I’m cleaning up the house and calling MOM! Can’t wait, have lots to tell her!

Still addicted to One Tree Hilllllll! I’m now into the second season and Brad loves it too, lol. I can’t wait to see how the seasons unfold. I love Nathan and Haley together! Gah, Dan is SUCH AN ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway haha. I’m out!