Katie’s been fussy all day long.. ugh. I know she’s just a baby and yadda yadda but I just want to pull out my hair when she just whines and fusses on and on. Currently she’s taking a nap, woohooo!!!

Trying to think of something to do tomorrow! Would love to go back swimming again but I guess we’ll see. Definetly want to get OUT of the house since I spend all other time IN it. Uhhhh I have absolutely nothing to blog about. I watched some more One Tree Hill last night but that’s nothing new, lol. I finished washing, folding and putting away the rest of the laundry! How’s that for some excitement? Haha.

I am super happy that it’s summer though. My favorite season and I actually have a bit of a tan this summer which makes me excited! Got my watch tan line back LOL. I blogged a while ago about my rings getting loose? Well now their even more so! Both of these rings are on my ring fingers and I can wear both of the rings now on my middle finger but I’ll leave them on the ring finger. Just gotta start to be careful because If I keep losing weight I’ll be like Brad and have my ring sling off everytime I throw something lol.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this randomly boring entry! I’m gonna go make my SNACKIE! Wahooo!