Alright so said worry that was taken care of Thursday wasn’t so bad but caused me to go off on a rampage haha. So no, in response to the last line of my previous post I was definetly NOT as happy LOL. I was mad for all of Thursday.. extremely! but now I’m good. It has to do with the apartments we live in with the whole worry situation. I don’t like some of the things going on here so I want to move when we can. We actually REALLY want to get a loan and buy a house but we have to see If we can get that loan first and then find a house so we’ll see. We’ll keep that in our near future and hope for it because I’d love to have our OWN place that is OURS.

We didn’t do much Thursday because I was all mad haha and then today was grocery shopping so pretty crazy week. Brad works tomorrow then starts his new work schedule after that so he’ll be off Sunday, Monday and Tuesday! Then work Wednesday through Saturday. Anyhow, off to eat dinner!