Yesterday was a rough day but today has well made up for it. Today has been nothing but great!!! INCLUDING the weather! It’s 79 right now with wind and low humidity and is soooo wonderful. Have had the living room and bedroom window open all day!! Nothing like fresh air in the house!! I chatted with Brad on MSN yesterday while he was at work like we usually do and I was telling him how I feel and so when he came home, he said nothing to me and we said nothing the rest of the night until today. I asked him why we haven’t talked and he said he just doesn’t want to talk about money. We’ve spent today focusing on the good and it’s all turned around thank goodness. When I saw him like that.. when I saw that this issue caused tension and silence between us – it’s not worth it!!! Money is just money and even though It’ll be a struggle, it’s not worth causing our relationship to suffer, ever because I love him too much.

Another bonus to add to the happiness of today is that I lost 2 pounds this week! Brad lost 1 pound so we both did good and I’m so proud of him. I cleaned the house up today and even did a little more than usual so I am ONE happy camper because a clean house is one thing that will uplift me even more. I cleaned out the fridge a little this afternoon and then chopped up the rest of our watermelon! I decided since It was such a beautiful day outside, I’d take Katie out for a bit in the backyard. She had her little shoes on so I walked her around the backyard holding 1 sometimes 2 of her hands and then we sat on the sidewalk for a long while. She played with some grass and then I walked her back in the house. She’s playing with her toys now and soon I’m gonna fix her and myself a little snack. Tomorrow and Monday are going to be very BUSY days!

From yesterdays experience I have had this lyric quote in my mind all day, “Hope for the best and let go of the rest” So true.. I don’t want to sit in anger and misery all the time when there’s really nothing I can do about our money situation at the moment so we just have to endure and focus on the brighter, good things in life. Life is so hard and frustrating but at the same time, life is short and precious so I am going to try to take in every second because we never know when this may be our last.

I hope everyone has a good weekend! Get out and enjoy the weather if it’s nice!!!!