First up! We were supposed to have our church temple trip this Saturday but we decided since things have been so rushed and in a hurry, we’re gonna wait for another Saturday, which, I think is best. Some of my clothes for the trip are too long so we’re having to get a church friend to fix those so extra time is always good to get everything in order.

Yesterday was our usual busy grocery shopping day and then afterwards Brad went to the Tuesday night men’s meeting at our church. Brad’s Mom brought over her Netflix movie the other night when she was over keeping Katie. It’s called Tribulation and It was a very good movie! As you can guess, It was a religious movie. I would love to share religion with more people but nowadays, It’s so hard because people can be so cruel about it. I used to reject religion too until I attempted to understand and gain knowledge about it. My life makes so much more sense now. What an amazing feeling it is to have that knowledge and to know that If I live my life the best I can that I will get to spend eternity with my family. Who doesn’t want that??? That’s why I wanted to know all about it because If I can have the chance to spend forever with my family then I’m gonna strive for that in every way I can and that way is by opening my heart to God and to learn to be truly happy! Again, who doesn’t want that? SOOO many people just push religion away when It could open up a whole new book for them in making their life that much better. I pushed religion away most of my life because people either shoved it down my throat or scared me away from it and from that I became bitter and hardened away from religion. I also needed to find the right church for myself, one where I felt I belonged and could actually learn from and my church is definetly just that.

My religion and belief in God along with everything I’ve learned and will come to learn all play a part in making this life a little bit easier, If only a little but a little’s enough. I just want everyone to feel that joy and I know it was hard for me and took a lot for me to reach the point of where I am today spiritually. I have believed in God all my life but I used to believe we just died and that was it but what kindof God would let that happen? No, He wants us to be happy and be with our families forever. I remember any time someone religious would come around me, I used to get this feeling of “GRRR get away from me, I DON’T want to hear it!” but now that I am where I am now I think why? Why did I not try to listen? I was not ready at the time.

It’s so hard in this day and time to even discuss religion with anyone but I am going to say I am proud to be who I am today and believe what I believe because I’m happy! I only hope that someday so many more people will open their hearts to that happiness too. I remember meeting people in the church when I first joined and they smiled all the time and were scarily happy but guess what? Now I feel that way! I understand their joy.

If you believe in God but that’s it — I encourage you to dig deeper because there is knowledge there that will bring comfort and happiness to your life and we alll need that, espically with all the bad in the world trying to bring us all down. Look at me going on about religion… lol. It’s just very important to me and I want to share it! Thanks for reading If you have and I hope this does get some thinking process going for someone out there on the topic of religion.