Faith. Love. Motivation. Determination.

These are the things that I live by and It really helps me stay in focus of things I need to do in my life. Having faith is so hard sometimes but we just have to let things progress as they may for this too shall pass. I just feel so joyous tonight! I know sickening right? Haha. I hope not, It’s good to be happy! Of course the happier I am, the more motivation seems to really kick up!!!

Currently waiting on my lovie to come home from work which should be here really shortly!!! I’m pleased to say I HAVE been working more on my new layout and am getting excited about it finally! Today has not been eventful at all but just another day. I’ve been seeing more and more previews for the new season of The Biggest Loser and I am SO ANXIOUS! I wish It was on TONIGHT! AAAH!!! Only a few more weeks! Speaking of exercise, I finally used our pilates performer machine today for the first time in a few weeks and It was nice! I could feel the burn in my arms and a bit in my tummy so that is awesome!

Hmmm well that’s all for today!