We had guest speakers today at church and I must say, they were both very excellent. Their talks were very true and open hearted. They weren’t very many people in church today because of either sickness or vacation but I did enjoy it except for Katie’s overall whineyness. They were having a potluck meal after church but since Katie was getting very tired, we decided to go ahead and travel home. Afternoon consisted of the usual dish washing, laundry, lunch and talking to my Mom for a long while! THE COOL SPELL IS STARTING TONIGHT! Already feels good right now. Katie ran out of Tylenol and a few food items so this evening we loaded up and collected those at the store. Returned home to eat my protein snack which included a wedge of herb and garlic laughing cow cheese Brad picked up tonight!

Tomorrow is gonna be really busy with trying to get everything done earlier so that we can be at my OB appointment by 2:15pm and then I’m hoping afterwards we can find something to do since Brad is off work and we usually try to make Monday our family day. Tonight, Brad is cooking turkey burgers and I’m cooking some veggies to go along with it. I’m still working on my new layout but It’s almost ready to premiere! After I put it up I still have a LOT of work to do but I’m excited about it! Ugh.. I’m so tired! Brad’s taking a nap right now and I know I will be ready for some nice sleep tonight.

EDIT new layout is UP! YAY.. still have a lot to do but I really like it and hope you do too! I re-read this entry and realized I used the word VERY quite a few times haha.