NEW SMILIES!!! :luv: :cool:

Last night we watched the movie Ultraviolet and wow, that was a big waste of time! There was just no interest in it for me. Pffft. :down: I got up this morning at 8AM and dragged my way downstairs and cooked some yummy breakfast! OH and when we stopped by Wal-Mart yesterday, they FINALLY had my favorite bread the Sara Lee 45 calorie whole grain bread. It is THE BEST and they are almost ALWAYS out of it so I went ahead and grabbed a loaf. After I ate this morning, I went ahead and fixed Katie’s breakfast and got dressed to get my exercise over with. It felt GREAT to exercise earlier in the morning!!! I went upstairs afterwards and woke Brad up so he could get Katie up and feed her while I get a shower. Took a nice shower then Katie went back to bed after I got out since she was whining and I was hoping she would sleep a long while before we had to go but nope, she mostly played in her crib THEN went to sleep when It was almost time to go! Figures! :sneer: Eventually fixed my hair and then my lunch so I could eat it on the way there. Got everything ready to go and headed out!

It took us a lot less time to get there than we thought so we went to Wal-Mart for almost 30 minutes before heading over to the OB/gyno office. LOL. The nurses who were there last year couldn’t BELIEVE how different I looked! :lulz: Comments like that make all this hard work worth every minute!!!! I had the usual womanly check up and chatted with the Doc for a little before heading out! Once we got home, we all got some food! I wanted to do something else so we loaded back up and went to the pond to feed the ducks! They were STARVING! Most of them came as close as they could! Walked around for a little bit then came home again and put Katie down so she could finally get a goooood long nap! I’m eating the rest of my protein snack and think I’m gonna work a little more on the new layout. Yaay! :D