Sunday was good.
Monday was better!

Our money pile is almost none… and we have 4 bills to pay. Took some time this morning to try to figure out what we’re gonna do as far as that. Since that took a bit I decided to take a rest day on my exercise and we were planning on leaving soon anyhow. Good thing is that yesterday I got to RUN for the 1st time for a long stretch of time in a long while and IT FELT GOOD! After lunch and Katie’s nap, we decided to leave out to get our chinchilla some food since hes been out. Took us around 25-30 minutes to get to the pet sore and we looked around la la la la. Went to pay for the food and Brad said he was gonna go get some change from the truck. He comes back and says, “I got the change but I locked my keys in the truck” UHHHHHH. Boy. Brad spent the next 20-30 minutes in and out of some random rain trying to use different items to try to “pick” at the door or window with no success. Eventually he calls around for some locksmiths and finally got one but he wanted cash and we had none. Brad says he’ll call back possibly. The lady at the pet store was so nice and offers me a chair to sit when she realizes that Katie must be so heavy to have to stand and hold for that long of time. Very sweet of her! Brad says hes gonna go down the road to an ATM to get some money but it’s pouring rain… so the lady offers her raincoat to Brad! Thank goodness. He puts it on and heads out and doesn’t take long at all. His shoes and almost half way up his pants are soaked. Poor love…

Calls the locksmith back who says hes on his way then we sit and wait. Wait some more. Then guess what? Waited some more! I think we waited over an hour for him to finally show. UNLOCKED! Finally! The sweet lady in the pet store encourages Brad to get an extra set of keys made for the truck. Very good on her part haha. Tell her thank you for all her help and that it was nice meeting her! Head quickly as possible out to the truck in the rain then load up to go buy groceries. Brad was wanting to get home by 6pm to go to a church meeting but he had to call and say he wouldn’t make it thanks to all that mess. Then guess what? We got soaked going INTO and OUT OF the store. Uggggh. I’m so SICK OF RAIN. It’s supposed to rain tonight. Tomorrow. Thursday. Rahhhh.

I’m gonna rewind just a little. Sunday I felt a bit uplifted with going to church but Monday was really good. I got to run on the treadmill and then we went to a church event that evening and had a BLAST! We mostly sat down with one of the missionaries and talked and talked. IT WAS AWESOME. He even knows Ally from Biggest Loser!! AAH, lol. Found out bad news though – that the missionary who baptized us was in a bad car wreck last Monday and was hit by a drunk driver!! He suffered a good bit and I heard he broke his neck?!!! THEN we called around and found out he was discharged Sunday! They said he shouldn’t of even walked away alive… WOW. That is a miracle. I just want to give him a big hug!!!!!!! He is an amazing young man and I’m so grateful he made it through it. He definetly had angels at his side!

Sigh. Please let the rest of the week be good… I’ve had some exciting things popping up but then today tried to crush those happy things but I’m not gonna let it!!!!!!!! I WILL BE HAPPY and I hope you will be too! :)

I’m off to bed with my lovie. Have a great one too.