Taking ACTION is one thing that I do a lot of these days. Need to wash dishes? TAKE ACTION. Fold laundry? TAKE ACTION. Chop up veggies for the week? TAKE ACTION. I can say that I have found new blessings with using this new TAKE ACTION plan in my daily life. Life is all about DOING — again with the action! Since I’ve been eating healthy and exercising of course I have lots of energy so I am dang sure gonna use it the best I can and not waste it!

Katie turned TWENTY-ONE months today!! Insanity! Time just seems to fly by faster and faster as she gets older so I don’t even wanna imagine how fast time will go later into the years. That’s another reason why I want to TAKE ACTION because time goes by so, so fast. Once again today I got Katie up, fed her then went ahead with my workout and It was nice to get it in early while she watched Lilo and Stitch again. I wanted to go back outside with her again so we bundled up and sat on the back porch with Katie on a blankie. The sun FELT SOOOO TOASTY. I’m so eager for spring and summer! I’ve heard that a lot lately, too. Katie slept really good again today so fresh air really does do her greatly which is AWESOME. She’s been playing wonderfully tonight. I’m about to go upstairs and start her bath then get her ready for bed and hopefully she won’t throw too big of a fit when I put her down for the night… again I say hopefully.

Have a great night and remember to take ACTION! =) Byeeeee!