I’m typing this entry on notepad! Our internet started acting sluggish late Wednesday afternoon and then eventually went out completely. Apparently there is an outage and as I sit here now our modem is still in blinky state. Since we didn’t have the internet last night, Brad and I watched 2 episodes of Deathnote. I’ve missed the internet today but have been so preoccupied that It’s not too big of a deal… for one day, lol.

Of course with it being Thursday I wanted to try to GIVE MY ALL on the treadmill and ended up doing a tiny over 4.0 miles! As soon as I type out this entry I’m off to the kitchen to fix myself a big snack to give my body some FUEL that it needs! OH OH, Brad had drawn a picture a while ago and he finally finished it and asked If he should hang it? I thought that would be wonderful so he took down our dragon puzzle hanging in our living room that a man from church had given to us and replaced it with his art. I’ll have to post a picture of it – perhaps with the next entry!

It was very cold today and did I mention that I’M READY FOR SPRING??? BUT ESPICALLY SUMMER! Speaking of that, I’ll have to buy a new bathing suit seeing as I don’t have one that would fit me properly anymore but would literally just hang and fall off of me now and I surely do not want that, haha.