Ok so wow. This day has really gone by so fast! I cannot believe It’s already after 10pm. I’m currently cooking chicken, pasta and green beans for our dinner and I can’t wait to EAT!

Today, we….
~ turned in our mail box key to our apartment
~ contemplated what we should trade the maxima for
~ bought a few things at Wal-Mart including a heart rate monitor watch and KETTLEBELL!
~ Brad went this afternoon and we traded for a 98 chevy blazer! it’s really nice!!!
~ I did my first kettlebell workout!!!!
~ Made a DELICIOUS bowl of oatmeal and fruit!

I would try to make this a longer entry but I’ve gotta finish dinner and then I’ve got a list of other things I’d like to get accomplished but I will hopefully get a pic of our Blazer up! HAVE A GREAT NIGHT!