SHEESH. I’ve had one thing after another to do today! This morning was the usual rushing around doing this and that then I got started with some online work until It was time to feed Katie and put her down for a nap. Got all dressed and ready for my WORKOUT! I’m still sore so I turned on the Wii and did a 30 minute aerobic workout. Got my lunch ready then ate and waited for my love to come home for his lunch break. After he came home and left again, I took a very short nap then got a nice shower. After I got Katie back up and fed her then It was back to MORE online work! Work work work then finally got finished!! Katie had her dinner after while then I put her to bed. I took another short nap after I put her to bed because I was exhausted. I guess I need to get more sleep so I can start to get my energy back.. speaking of. I think I’m going to wrap this up, get my dessert, watch last weeks episode of The Office with my love then probably go to bed EARLY!

Tomorrow I get to do things I would of liked to gotten accomplished today but tomorrow is a brand new day!!! Plan on getting more things organized around the house and calling my Mommy! We’ll see how that all unfolds, lol.