This weather is seriously WHACK. It’s supposed to be spring and NOT WINTER! Thankfully, the warm weather is coming back tomorrow. Today it was rainy, dreary and cold. I am still freezing right now, grrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!

This morning Brad and I went through more of our storage and sorted through books to see which to put on our bookshelf, which to put into our closet and which to put away in storage bins. We eventually sorted through MORE storage bins then he left to go run a few errands while I fed Katie then put her down for a nap then proceeded to get my workout for the day! I did some upper body resistance rope exercises then a cardio workout on the wii active (more workouts) game. I was so cold that I only sweated a little, haha. I eventually took a hot shower followed by a soaking hot bath where I dozed off to sleep. I got dressed then laid down on the couch and slept a little more. We loaded up and went to our church family home evening event we have once a month to meet, share a spiritual message and eat together! It was really enjoyable… all except the blasted cold!!! Katie had fun roaming about and then I fed her some hamburger, baked beans and a few bites of hot dog.

Ugh.. I know my blogs haven’t been exactly exciting lately but between being cold and tired I really don’t know what to say! I guess I’m gonna have to sleep in 4 layers of clothes like I did last night haha. Anyhow… gotta go get dinner ready!