ARGH. This heat wave is ridiculous !!!!!

Last night, I was waiting for Brad to come home from work and there was a knock at the door?? It was our FRIENDS! The couple that have tried to come by twice and always wound up having car troubles. She said she sent me a text that they were gonna drop by but I never got it. They came in and Brad eventually came home from work and they didn’t leave till I think It was 11pm? It was nice to have company!!!

Another busy bee day for me! This morning I did my exercise and ate my post-workout snack while Katie continued to watch a Daffy Duck movie in her highchair, heh. I still had a chunk of online work to finish so I let Katie play with her toys in the living room while I got that finished then she went down for her nap! Ate lunch with my hunny bunny then he left to go back to work. I just now fixed my hair and am about to cook dinner early (again) since I have another church meeting to go to this evening! Shall be good to get out and see some people, yays! It’ll be time for Katie’s dinner, potty, bath and bed time by the time we get back I’m sure so my evening is filled but I’m happy about it!!!

Hope everyone has a great evening! Off to start the early dinner so that when I get home I can take care of Katie then heat up my dinner and relax till my lover comes home! WOOTS.