Wowie, we had a pretty fierce thunderstorm this morning! The lightning was right over our house and the thunder shook the windows! I got up this morning to tend to Katie, eat breakfast then I let her watch a movie (Quest for Camelot!) while I got on the treadmill. Brad eventually got up after a bit. I did 3.3 miles, WOO! I haven’t had my “full” energy in months but I’ve had atleast a little energy but today, I felt pretty sapped! I ate a snack then the thunderstorm came rollin through. I got a shower then Katie went down for her nap and the rest of the afternoon has been laid back. Brad and I had some ALONE time, played some UNO and I went through the clothes my friend brought over to me yesterday.

We’re getting ready to leave here in a bit for our church Family Home Evening where we gather together by the park to eat some food then someone shares a spiritual message and we just mingle and talk!

Feeling pretty tired but grateful! I know I have been blessed in so many ways. Think of all the many blessings you have in your life! We must think of the things we DO have instead of focusing on the things we don’t have.