Brad has really been letting WORRY get the better of him lately. He hasn’t been able to sleep good for a while now and is finding it harder to deal with work so he hasn’t been working the overtime we need and the lack of sleep is keeping him from doing his usual exercise that will help him get closer to his weight goal so he can get into the military. See what worry does?? It does us NO GOOD. I’ve been trying to comfort him and reassure him that IF we will just put our cares into the hands of our Heavenly Father and not let any worries come into our minds then we shall find happiness instead of worry, doubt, misery! I’ve also noticed that with Brad – when we have something potentially “worrysome” come into our lives, he LOOKS for the worst casenarios. The “What If’s” in the negative view and he lets those thoughts swirl round and round till he gets so upset and frustrated. Is this how we spend our lives?? I talked to Brad about it and said instead of looking at situations with the “What If’s” in the negative… look at the “What If’s” in the positive! Example: The car we bought needs a new transmission. Church friend is helping us and we could possibly get the transmission free! Good right?!!! I’m content with that! Brad though has been going over the “What If… this doesn’t happen” It’s all about our thought process and where we take our minds. I try to live in the positive and RID of all the negative so there is no chance for WORRY or doubt to rule my thoughts or life to bring me down! Life is too short! Get rid of that worry TODAY! :) Focus on the things that matter most… love, happiness, family, GOD!

It’s the WEEKEND! This morning I sat down to eat my breakfast and thought OH… I should take a picture like I’ve been MEANING TO! Heh. I attempted to take a pic of it on my computer desk but noooope, not enough light so I set it on top of our TV in front of the window and VOILA.

This bowl of yummy is my usual! I’ve been eating 2 eggs lately but this morning since I knew my exercise was gonna be low key I decided upon just one eggie! I start off by cooking some spinach and chopped green bell peppers in the sprayed SKILLET then plop the egg(s) in and scramble away! I add the seasonings then place into bowl. Cook my turkey sausage, put cottage cheese with eggs and mix it all together! Toast my honey wheat bread and get a 22 ounce bottle of water and that is my breakfast! YUMMO. I got Katie up, fed, ready and let her watch episodes of Rugrats while I cleaned house!

Once the house was allllllllll clean I got Katie ready and we headed out for a walk since I’m now incorperating walking into my weekends! It was kindof gloomy when I looked out the window this morning but by the time we headed outside for a walk, the sun was shining so I was happy to see the clouds had let up.

PRETTY clouds! I was coming down the road and thought this view would make a great picture. We were strolling along and there were some very colorful flowers in someone’s front yard so I also took a photo of those!

I was getting reallllllllly hungry on the way home! We came inside and I fed Katie then made my chocolate protein shake and peach! While Katie played in her highchair, I cleaned Mr. Turtle’s tank and then cleaned our bedroom floor fan since I have to clean that every once in a while so It’ll be dust free and blowing more air. I put Katie down for a nap then got a shower. Brad came home and we both fiddled online and talked a bit before he had to go again! I usually eat lunch around 2PM but I waited until I was hungry to eat which was around 3PM? I think? After eating, I fixed my hair and here I am! Posting some things online then gonna study more scriptures and eventually get Katie back up!

I feel so blessed, thankful and grateful !!!!!!!!!!