Oh oh!!! First off — Paranomal Activity? LOVED IT. I loooooove stuff like that, haha!!! Hubby and I both really want to see the 2nd TOO. While we’re on the subject of PARANORMAL – Brad downloaded the first episode of the new AMC series The Walking Dead about people trying to survive after a ZOMBIE attack and have to say I really like it!!! Another show I decided to peek at today was Mike and Molly since I heard about all the rave from the Marie Clarie article that brought up so much drama. I REALLY loved the episode — can totally see myself falling in love with them! I need LOTS more comedy in my life, hah. I need to get back into How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory. I love both of those but haven’t seen them in a long time. LOVE MARSHALL! <333

What happened today? Rain. Folded laundry… I’m sitting here doing a few things online and also looking at scripture and spiritual messages. Searching for something to uplift me more! I’m so tired of feeling on the edge all the time and I know I can make it better but It’s just gonna take working to overcome everything that’s bringing me down!! I have this religious and spiritual little book and I love this passage —

“Sin makes us stupid, and it costs a lot too — a lot of time, money, peace of mind, opportunity to progress, self-respect, integrity, virtue, and the trust of loved ones. So repent now. Repent daily. For those who want to be sanctified, repentance is not optional.”

It’s so true. At our last meeting on church Sunday, we were talking about how the MEDIA has taken over this world and it’s true!!!!! How many hours do you watch TV? How many hours do you spend on the Internet? Our church President looked up and printed off the stats — for media hours in a year It was over 1,400 hours spent on TV, video games, etcetc when we could be focusing on our SPIRITUALITY, helping others, reading the scriptures that will help us be better people and to lead happier, better lives because we ALL have room for improvement. We are not perfect but we can mold our lives to be like HE would have us to be. Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy but how we live our life determines our happy we will be.

What will you change today that could lead you towards a better road of happiness?? I’m trying to take a hard look at my life and what I can do to change all this mess I’ve gotten into. To look at all the stresses in my life and I know I can rid of them but It’s gonna take some praying and faith to lead me along that way. Being a stay at home Mom with little social interaction is a hard task but I know I can be just as happy as I was months ago with help from my Heavenly Father. Once again – anything is possible and NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE with The Gospel and using the tools that Heavenly Father has given us to guide us down this mortal path.

Thank about it. Think about life. Take a good look in the mirror and a look at your daily schedule. Are you happy? Could you change this or that to make life better? Sometimes we don’t want to give up certain things because we think their “good” and get comfortable with it but If we want that greater happiness — we have to learn to let go and change it. I know I’m searching my heart. Will you?