Feeling really content tonight!!!! Heh. It’s been a good day… real good. It’s been rainy and cold all day and I woke up and just didn’t want to exercise since I knew we’d be going grocery shopping and I’d get plenty of walking with that SO we got up late this morning and after breakfast and such, we got ready and headed out into the rain and cold to go buy groceries!

I found a discount vitamin pack for $5! Also got a few 50 cent nutrition bars… gotta love discount! I did buy peanut butter this week and had a serving of it on a sweet potato. HEAVENLY! Also, bought Activa Dessert for my dessert for a few nights. Hopefully that will help with my digestion a bit. After we got back, Brad put Katie down for nap after a bit while I chopped up veggies that we had bought to put away in the fridge. Fixed my chicken and veggie salad and started downloading my online work for the week. We started watching Couples Retreat and just finished a bit ago. OMG LOVED IT. Brad and I seriousllllllllllly want to go on a vacation! Been looking at various restorts and such. It would be a dream come true and we’ve NEVER been alone on a vacation. Got some laundry going and after Katie goes to bed soon, we’ll cook dinner then watch the latest of THE WALKING DEAD! Oooh we both are hooked on it! I also want to cook my mini turkey burgers for the week and have those ready in the fridge.

On the to-do list tonight:
– try to do a little of my online work
– cook mini turkey burgers
– cook dinner
– study scripture material together

Ooo I’m really liking that last to-do! I’m so glad that today has been good. Thankful for my Heavenly Father and everything He has given me in this life!