I called Mom yesterday evening and talked to her about my health situation. She stated that maybe my iron is low and that I might be anemic? I’ve been focused on b12 being low but what about iron? After I got off the phone with her, I eventually got ahold of Brad and asked him to go swing by Wal-Mart to pick up some iron supplements to try those out and I’ve also been comtemplating trying an energy drink to see If that would perk me up at all. He brought home the supplements and a Monster Killer-B energy drink for each of us! He drank his shortly after he brought them home. Last night after Brad came home from work & the store, we ate and watched Man VS Food on Netflix then kissed at midnight! I went ahead and took an iron pill last night then took another one this morning.
TODAY HAS BEEN MORE THAN AWESOMESAUCE! We got to sleep in this morning and man, I woke up with some either PMS or stomach pain but went right back to sleep. Eventually we all got up, fixed breakfast and whatnot. Brad and I were goofing off in the kitchen, LOL. I seriously have laughed more today than I have in a long time and It’s great! I sat down with my breakfast to check my online stuffffff then after I was done, I got started cleaning house. Brad was off half of the day today so that’s good! I drank half of my energy drink this morning then the other half a little while later. Ooo and Brad made a big pot of hot lemon/lime water and I drank a HUGE glass of that.. YUM! I’ve also been peeing like crazy. I had a really big late breakfast/lunch around noon and WOW, It held me over all the way till 5:40PM! I haven’t been able to go that long without food in… seriously about a year! I’ve felt great today – a calm daze and I don’t know If it was the iron pills or the energy drink. I’m PRAYING it is the pills because I LOVE HOW I FEEL! I can actually THINK! Brad started getting ready for work and he put Katie down for her nap then left a little after 4PM and he’ll get off in about 45 more minutes or so! OH… the only thing about the iron pills? Holy cow.. STINKY STINKY STINKY gas! HAHAHA.

Thank you 2011 for bringing me a breath of fresh air on THE FIRST DAAAAAY! After all I went through and suffered in 2010… the way I felt today MADE UP FOR EVERY SINGLE MISERABLE DAY I HAD LAST YEAR!!! Let’s hope each day I wake up that I feel THAT MUCH better. I cannot wait to see what I’ll feel like in a few weeks, YAY! Everything happens for a reason and I know that is SO TRUE. Every month and day that I suffered last year was for a reason and even tho the solution was so simple… I had to go through it to help me grow.

I really like you so far 2011! I feel calm and at ease for the first time in a long time. SQUEEEEEEEE !!!!