Today was… different. We got up this morning and Katie had a Doc appointment at 10AM so we got up, ready and headed out. Only to get there and find the appointment wasn’t needed! Hah. We headed home and chilled out then Katie went down for a nap. I did some stretches while I was making my lunch and then ate. We needed to leave for the viewing at 4PM so we could get there and everything. It started at 6PM so we arrived at Brad’s Grandparents house and stayed there until It was time to leave for the funeral home. It started at 6PM but we got there at 5:30PM. LOTS of people! Brad’s Grandpa has FOURTEEN other siblings! Fifteen in total.

It was interesting. I’ve never been to a viewing or a funeral. I’ve never seen an actual dead body in person. The viewing was over at 9PM but we left a little after 8PM so we could drive home, feed Katie and put her to bed. I’m tired… sitting here eating dinner and about to relax with my love. This last week or so has really RE-opened my eyes to life and everything. Just wow..

One minute we’re here. The next we’re not.

We’ve apparently have a SNOW STORM coming in! We may get anywhere from 2-8 inches?!!!!!!! Snow, ice, sleep and It’s gonna start possibly Saturday night and then Tues, Wed and Thurs the low is going to be in the low teens. SHEESH.

It’s a weird, different and interesting experience to go through… but that’s life isn’t it? The funeral is tomorrow at 1PM so we’ll be on the go again. The Sunday we get snowed in! Hopefully we’ll be able to atleast go out Monday and get our groceries.

I’m gonna relax now. God loves you!!!!!!!!