I wish I could find the quote I read a while back… It was something like- almost every illness, sickness and disease can be traced back to a vitamin or mineral deficiency! That totally makes sense. We run off of vitamins and minerals so therefore, If we don’t get the right amount plus we eat all kinds of things that our bodies don’t exactly know what to do with?… then we run into some bad stuff. As I did! It’s so important to evaluate our health and lives and KEEP SEARCHING for answers If you feel It’s something ELSE other than what you’re Doctor is trying to convince you to believe like in my case! Obviously, It’s not usually this complicated or “mysterious” as my case but yeah. Point is… VITAMINS AND MINERALS ARE SUPER IMPORTANT! They make you vibrant, happy and healthy!

Today was excellent. I was sleeping sooooo good this morning and did not want to get up BUT after a big ole yummy bowl of oatmeal, I was ready to go to church! I had a wonderful time teaching a song to the kiddies in Primary and then we had visitors come talk to us the last hour then It was time for POTLUCK! We all sat, ate and talked. Brad, me and the church Pres were the last ones to leave at around 2:45PM! Katie went straight down for nap when we got home and she did not want, lol. Brad played the Wii and we just hung out then he zonked out on the couch for a few hours! I played super mario bros wii for a bit then got Katie up, fed her and let her play while I continued to play on the Wii while Brad continued to nap then eventually got up. A little after 9PM, Brad put Katie to bed while I started dinner. I just finished eating and have a very tall glass of hot lemon/lime water… YUM.

A very good Sunday indeed!