I know what I need to do to start getting back to where I was DIET wise. My diet these days mostly consists of CARBS and quite a bit of sugar too. That’s the key. When I was losing weight my breakfast was mostly PROTEIN plus a little fat and little carb. I don’t like sweet in the morning which is why I used to only have oats on Sunday mornings as a treat. I’ve been craving more meats and protein which would make sense seeing as I need the iron. As I sit here right now I feel sick because of all the sugar I’ve eaten today – I’m not talking chocolate or candy but raisins, the honey in my peanut butter, my sugar free maple syrup and that combined with carbs? NO WONDER I haven’t been able to hold out between meals because carbs + sugar = addicting and will leave you hungrier.

I’ve already got our shopping list for Monday READY TO GO! I’m going BACK to eggs in the morning with a WHOLE apple and If I’m STILL not satisfied then I’ll have a small chocolate protein shake to go with it. No more reaching and nibbling on tons of cereal or eating lots of sweet oatmeal. In fact, If we had the money then I’d want to go get the items but I’ll wait till we go Monday. I miss my eggs in the morning… I miss my protein powder, I miss my GREEK YOGURT. Protein and fiber will help anyone/everyone stay fuller longer so I’m gonna work hard on getting back to that.

I wish my appetite and eating habits hadn’t gotten so messed up among all this iron defiency mess. Rewind back to Spring 2010 and I gave into more carbs and fats and went crazy from there. It’s gonna be hard for me to “wean” myself off this carb/sugar trend I’m in but I CAN DO IT and I WILL DO IT. I just gotta get some iron in my diet, keep taking my iron pills and keep my head UP. My usual diet got put in the shadows between struggling with budget and my iron issues BUT I’m going back to where I was except I’m not going to be so strict as far as calories not atleast until I can get everything settled. I look in the mirror and I can see the weight gain… makes me even more eager to get back to where I was!!! I know I keep saying that but it’s true.

So we got a few inches of snow last night but it’s already melting! It’s supposed to WARM UP BY SUNDAY. HELLLLLLLLLL YES. And I think it’s going to stay warm for a while so I love the sound of that! I’m off to watch more Secret Life of the American Teeanger… love that show haha.