Since Brad and I didn’t get to watch a movie night before last we watched one last night! We watched Resident Evil: Afterlife and I loved it!!!!! Of course Brad is a bit zombie movie fan so yeah. We thought It was the last RE movie but at the end Brad was like, “NO, they can’t end it like that can they?!” and after several Google searches It looks like another RE movie is possibly in the works! Also- off topic but speaking of Brad, apparently he was reading a few days ago that swallowing a whole clove of garlic is good for you. The last few days he’s been trying to dare me to do it. This morning I woke up with my throat still feeling a little swollen and scratchy plus that itchy, open-ear feeling? I was talking to Brad today about my throat and he’s like, “Well you could try to swallow a clove of garlic! They swear it helps.” I thought hmm. Maybe I will! I thought about exercising today but I walked pushing the new stroller for 40 minutes Monday PLUS the walking at the store and then Tuesday we walked outside in the woods and in the backyard for atleast an hour so that’s a decent amount already for my situation. Since my throat still felt funky I decided to take today to rest and maybe even the rest of the week. I’ll see how I feel tomorrow and Friday.

DAY 6 OF HIGH PROTEIN!!! Today has been really good. Besides the throat. Oh and Aunt Flo decided to show up early and she’s definetly here! No cramps but plenty of bleeding. TMI. I know that won’t help my iron… ugh. After breakfast and all, I set Katie up with a movie then washed dishes and got a nice, hot refreshing shower. I came back to the computer to start on my online work and then I worked until I had to have something to nibble on so I toasted a piece of bread, put a smudge of PB on it plus a few almonds then went back to work! I drank 3 of my sports bottle full of water this morning and then this afternoon and into the evening I had a goal to drink 59oz like I did yesterday with my new water-used-to-be-OJ container! At almost 1:30PM, I went to the kitchen to fix Katie’s lunch and start mine too. I decided to give the clove of garlic a try so down the hatch it went. Of course I chopped it up into smaller pieces and even though I didn’t chew it, I’ve still had semi-garlic burps… haha. I HOPE IT MAKES ME ALL BETTER! After she ate and I had fixed up my salad, fruit cup and protein powder mess then I decided to take her outside into the WARM, BEAUTIFUL sunshine for a bit. She was in her highchair and she saw me going into her bedroom and thought I was putting her down for nap so she automatically threw a HELLFIRE tantrum! Screaming and all! I came out with her shoes. We went outside for about… 30 minutes? She loved it of course and OH BOY I loved it so much too! I ate my lunch then soaked up some warm, warm, WARM rays of sunshine.

Oh and Katie’s also sick. I’m certain I got it from her. Last week she had a day where I could just look at her and tell she wasn’t feeling well but then she seemed better but she’s been sneezing a bit more often lately and then today she’s been a little congested. Her appetite hasn’t been as good either the last week or so… like tonight she only ate half of her dinner but drank all her juice and water so that’s good. We came back in around 2:15PM so I gave her a little snack, got her ready for nap with a little medicine and then covered her up! Once she was down, I fixed my hair then went back to work! I decided I would work until 5PM then watch The Secret Life for an hour before having to get Katie back up BUT I fixed my snack at 4:30PM and decided to start watching then… heh. I ate another protein powder mess with my cheerios and watched 2 eppys of Secret Life!!!! SQUEE. I’m getting closer to fully catching up to newer episodes but then I’ll have to wait to see more but ah well, love that show! I got Katie up, fed her dinner, fixed our dinner then fixed my usual sweet potatoooo and peanut butttttttter. I’ve almost drank all of the 59oz and in fact, I’ve only got a few more ounces to go.

Last night’s dessert was an APPLE! Dessert tonight will be my frozen caramel yogurt with a little protein powder and maybe a little misc of this and that. EXCITED because tonight we watch the last nights new episode of THE BIGGEST LOSER! Already know about Arthur’s weigh-in since everyone on Facebook and Twitter has been posting about but can’t wait to see it anyway!!!!

I can’t wait to see my own weight dropping again. I’m more THAN READY for that! I just hope my blood pressure and iron will go in the right direction and I know It will even If slowly. I’m doing all that I can to help it get there. Iron supplements, iron in my diet, taking the supplements with OJ and now I just have to be patient and keep going! I WILL keep my meals and snacks in line, I WILL keep taking and eating my iron and I WILL GET BACK TO WHERE I WAS THIS TIME LAST YEAR except WITH lots of IRON to help me STAY that WAY.

YES YES YES YES! =) I’m so very thankful, grateful and blessed for my life. Every day is such a gift and I want EVERYONE to know that GOD LOVES US ALL and He WANTS us to be happy but we have to take ACTION and show Him how much we want those things. We all know that everything worth fighting/working for is WORTH THE FIGHT so change your life and become the person you’ve always wanted to be and BE HAPPY! Take it one day at a time but don’t give up. Keep your hope and faith alive and you will do things you never thought you WOULD or even COULD do.

Love yourself, love one another and inspire others to do the same. There is so much beauty in the world If only we will open our eyes and see it. I love my life and I love my Heavenly Father.