Last night Brad and I watched the movie Legion! It was alright. I took some gel cap cold/flu pills last night that made me a little jittery and then really sleepy so I went to sleep. The alarm went off this morning but I went back to sleep. I woke up a few times but always went back to sleep. I finally got up and had to change clothes (TMI) thanks to my monthly visitor. I still did not feel good at all. Major pressure behind my eyes and felt like POO. I had already been contemplating sinus infection and I was pretty sure when I thought about it this morning that I DO have it. I got Katie up and she started the day with lovely screaming! Siiiiiiiiiiigh. Brad took care of her while I did this and that. While Katie breakfast I called my Mom to ask her what I should do since I’m pretty sure I did have a sinus infection. She said to just go to the ER and get some meds since we don’t have insurance and I can’t keep suffering. All the head pressure, little headaches I’ve had for the last few months… that’s been the infection and I thought It was my lower blood pressure causing the pressure but I should of known it was something to do with sinus…. duh! After I got off the phone with her, Brad got upset because If we did this we’d have another medical bill to worry about paying off but dang it, I had to get it taken care of. Katie was not cooperating with potty time this morning with me or Brad. While Brad was getting ready and I was sitting in my computer chair closing my eyes in pain – Katie POO’d in her pull-up. That’s probably why she threw fits because she knew she had to poo. We need to make sure to put her on the potty long enough in the mornings when she needs to poo so she can do her business.

Anyhow. Brad cleaned her up and we got ready, loaded Katie + her stuff up and took her to Moms then headed back home to get my ID and Brad something to eat. I also brought along a sandwich just incase it took too long. We made our way out there and then I had to sign a paper and I got my hospital bracelet and I only had to wait a few minutes in the waiting room before they called me back. I saw the nurse then I sat in another waiting room for a few more minutes before they put in a room. A few people came in then I waited and the Doc saw me. He was pretty young! Quite handsome I have to say too, haha!! =) Yup, he could tell from just looking at my face that I had some sinus congestion and inflammation so he looked at my ears, mouth, throat and up the nose and said since this has been going on a while that It was best to “bring out the big guns” and get not only antibiotics but also steriods and allergy meds. I had to wait a little bit after the Doc left for them to get my discharged but I got my prescriptions and we were out! Went by the store and Publix pharmacy and turned in the meds to be filled. 4 meds = $170 and we’re like WOAH. We took off the nasal spray they gave me and It went down to $70 so we said okay. 30 minute wait so we browsed the store, I went to the bathroom then we stepped outside to call our Moms and give an update on me and my meds, heh. Came back in and browsed some more then sat down and waited for about 5 minutes then It was done annnnnnd we got a discount so it was cut down to $50! For 3 meds without insurance that’s not bad.

We drove back home and hung out for a long while. I took the steriods, antibiotics, allergy pill plus some Emergen-C packet with some V8 fusion drink and that gave me a tiny boost when I drank the juice + Vit C. I already feel some relief so I can’t wait to see how I feel when all this is cleared up!!!!!!!! It will be incredible to be able to wake up and not have my eyes feel such pressure all day long. Also I imagine my sleep will improve so I don’t know how my sleep will be tonight? Hmm.. we’ll see. OH OH. We’ve got a big day tomorrow… my Aunt called me tonight to say that a friend of a friend told them about a job opening at what sounds like a telemarketing company. That isn’t the greatest thing in the world but they are hiring so Brad’s gonna call them and one of the job temp agencies in the morning. Lots of errands to run tomorrow plus grocery shopping so I look forward to it!!!!!!!!! Katie gets to spend more time with my Mom too!

Alright well time to relax and watch the movie TANGLED that we borrowed from Mom! Can’t wait to watch it since I’ve been wanting to! Still so hot in the house… ugh. Going to talk to the manager tomorrow about our toilet and the air.

I hate that we didn’t get to go to church this morning but so glad I went the ER to start to get this all cleared up then my energy and blood pressure should start to return to normal, YIPPPPEEEEEE! Have a good night everyone – GOD LOVES YOU! Know that you can change your life If you really want to! We can be anything we want to be If we will just BELIEVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!