I have been a slug today. Brad got up at 6AM this morning and left the house by 7AM. I got up, got online for a little and ate breakfast then around 8AM went back to sleep on the couch. I got up at 9:45ish to get Katie up, etc etc. We just hung out all day basically. Brad called me when he got there this morning and on his breaks!!! After she went down for nap I took a bath then took another nap. Brad got home at 6PM and then had a phone meeting to view his online “classroom” for his online courses. He starts Tuesday I think? Of course he only did training today at his new job and will do the same schedule and more training tomorrow. His official work schedule will be from 1:30-10PM and his off days are Wednesday and Thursday. They usually change that up every now and again so we’ll see what happens.

I went out this evening to check the mail and It felt WONDERFUL outside but we’ve got storms moving in tomorrow night and Saturday morning. It’s gonna be quite cool Saturday night as well.

Today was my last day of antibiotics and steriods and apparently the antibiotics will stay in my system for another 4 days is what the package says. Hopefully once these get out of my system I’ll feel better… I sure hope so.

Well, off to watch Avatar with my love. Thankful, grateful and blessed for my Heavenly Father and my life. Really need to nuture my spiritual side since that has kindof been let go with all the moving and changes and we don’t have close church friends yet. In due time.