We’ve currently got storms brewing around us! We’re under a Tornado Warning for about 20 more minutes.

Brad and I watched Avatar last night… OMG EPIC MOVIE! Loved it so much!!!!!! We went to bed late and Brad had to be up at 6AM for work but I got up with him then after he left I ate then went back to bed but kept only drifting in and out of sleep since I couldn’t seem to stay completely asleep so I got up at 10AM. My Aunt was over helping my cousins girlfriend across the hall from me so I told Mom I wanted to come over and hang out so I got Katie in the stroller and walked with my Aunt to Moms. We got to talk and hang out but eesh.. I can only take so much cigarette smoke. I walked 2 different times with my Aunt then eventually my cousins girlfriend came by to get some food from my Aunt and she took me + my stuff + Katie’s stroller home. I came back home without Katie to wait for Brad then we needed to pick up a few things from the store then we’d come home and get Katie. That’s just what we did!

After we got home Katie just wandered around then at 8PM she wanted to go to bed! I was so surprised!!! She went to bed an hour earlier so wow! Brad doesn’t work this weekend so hopefully Mom will watch Katie tomorrow while I clean house. My back is killing me!!!!!!!! I decided to try to do some handstands last night so I’m sure that’s why hahahah.

I don’t feel that well either. RAaaaaaaaaah. Getting ready for dinner soon.