Monday’s recap:
– Stayed up WAY too late last night… we were up until almost 2AM then Brad woke up late at almost 7AM when he was going to get up at 6AM. He left for work.
– I got up, ate then waited a bit before I got Katie up. HAAAAA. After she ate breakfast and went the potty, she stood in the living room and poo’d in her panties. Then a bit later she peed on the carpet! ….. *sigh* … Scrubbed the carpet and thankfully that was the only puddle of pee on the carpet I had to clean this morning. I can’t do the undies. I’m sorry. I get too stressed over it… espically right now. Maybe when I’m back to full health I’ll be able to handle cleaning up PEE puddles off the carpet but for now I’m putting a pull-up on her and taking her to the potty every now and then END OF STORY. I try to time her every 20 minutes and she winds up peeing/pooping in the pull-up anyway SO WHAT’S THE DAMN USE. Brad was the one who suggested undies so when he’s home he can put undies on her and take her to+fro AND clean+scrub up pee off the carpets every time she pees.
– I called the ENT specialist back to see If they cover our insurance but they had no idea what I was talking about because they’d never heard of it and would need our cards (which we don’t have yet) to see If they accept it or not so I just get to wait some more… WOOOHOO.
– She went down for her nap and I eventually got so tired I laid down too. I have a bruise on EACH of the underside of my arms and they hurt. No idea. I haven’t done anything so they just popped up out of nowhere.
– Talked to Mom on the phone and I told her Brad and I were probably going to Wal-Mart after he got home so she said she would watch Katie for us.
– Brad came home about 5:30ish then fiddled online. We went back and forth on whether we were just gonna take Katie with us or take her to Moms while we went out.
– FORGOT that our friend we’ve known for like 5 years was stopping by since he was in town to visit some family! He came over about 6ish and so we loaded up and took Katie to Moms.
– Went to buy a few things at Wal-Mart then decided to take an adventure to try to find a frozen yogurt place that a guy Brad works with had mentioned. We had to drive like 10 miles but we found it… but not sure if it was the EXACT place the guy mentioned but yeah. It was cool!!!!! I read about many foodie bloggers often going to frozen yogurt places and getting all sorts of toppings so that was cool.
– We came back and picked up Katie then all came back. Brad bathed Katie, we got her ready for bed… Brad rocked her while I put laundry on.
– Our friend and Brad did their FAVORITE thing in the whole universe… played video games. I folded laundry and cooked dinner. Said friend left at 10:30PM and here we are.

*sigh* I’m just not happy. I’m glad our friend came to see us!!!!!!!!!!!! Atleast someone does! I know Brad had a blast hanging out with our friend. Someone to joke around with and laugh with since I’m not much of either of those these days. I just want to be better so I can get back to being like I was… no… EVEN BETTER than I was. I was so happy. I was getting so fit. NOW IT’S ALL CRAP. And I’m so unhappy about it. It makes me want to do nothing… not to mention I often don’t feel good. So tired of this vicious cycle of sickness which makes me so unhappy. WELL, wouldn’t you BE unhappy If you’d been SICK for over a YEAR now and it RUINED everything that used to make you so happy?!!!!!!!!! Fitness makes me so happy and being FIT and slimmer made all the difference in the world to me. I was overweight for so long, had reached for and ACCOMPLISHED SO MUCH then boom… got sick, gained friggin FOURTY POUNDS BACK and all my nice, smaller clothes are now getting uncomfortably tight.

BLAH BLAH. Just venting. Maybe I sound like a complete whiner and pathetic… but it’s just been so hard on me. Not only has my health went to the DIRT but I feel so overwhelmed with the dang potty training with Katie and not having anything else to look forward to during the day besides trying to rangle her to and from the bathroom.

I dunno. I just want to go to the Doctor so I can work on getting back to health. I say that all the time but that’s all I’ve got. I’ve tried so hard to look on the bright side of things but It’s hard when all the things that helped me be SO HAPPY… like exercise/fitness.. I can’t do those because I have no energy. Because it makes me feel like crap instead of making me feel more energetic. Talk about devestating for someone who has developed such a drive and passion FOR those things. You take that ability away and you get one unhappy person…….. =(

I’d like a nice little island to get away to until I’m over this sickness. Just blue skies with puffy clouds, sand, water and peace. I guess I’ll have to daydream of that instead. Close as I’ll get………………….