Years are going by so fast! 3 years ago today, I was in labor that morning and didn’t know, lol. She was born at 12:13PM. Now she’s pretty good with potty training and getting better with talking. Oh and repeating over and over and over and over and over and over…

How was your day? Been okay here. I had planned on looking into a colonic irrigation to help my digestive tract but that costs a lot of money and read that a home enema kit can be a good way as well without having to pay so much money. After Brad got off work, we headed to Wal-Greens where I picked up a home enema bag + tube kit! Then we headed to Kroger’s to pick up a few groceries. I got some sugar free almond butter!!!!!! That will go EXCELLENT with my sugar-free greek live culture yogurt. I tried that for dessert last night with some cinnamon and flax seed but it definetly needed something more added to it for taste so THIS will be great! I don’t have time to “wash out my colon” tonight but I’ll be giving it a shot tomorrow morning. I know a lot of people don’t feel comfortable doing those but I know it has great benefits from it and that’s what I need at this point. Get those toxins out of there.

I’m hungry! Can’t wait to eat my bread-less turkey burger and VEGGIE mix for dinner! Hopefully we’ll have enough time to watch Biggest Loser cause I really wannnnnnnnnna!