When I started the anti-candida diet, I stayed away from oats but have researched and found it’s okay if I don’t have a reaction to it or anything. I’ve missed my oats! Of course it’s not the same since I can’t mix it with sugar-free maple syrup, fruits or nuts (only because we don’t have any at the moment) BUT I do like plain oats. To the rescue… is my plain live culture greek yogurt! It’s great mixed with oats. Since yesterday, I’ve eaten WAY too many oats, lol.

Besides my oat nibbling, I haven’t done much today. Brad came home, chilled out, did some jogging on the treadmill barefoot! then…. that’s about all to update. I know my life is so exciting you can’t resist.

Can you guess what I’m having for dessert?!!!!!! Heheheh. I mix oats + yogurt and put in FREEZER! Wish I had some natural almonds to add some crunch or even better… almond butter. Oh wait, that’s all gone now LOL.

Dinner is done! Now to relax and watch the SEASON FINALE of One Tree Hilllllllllllll!!! Can’t wait to watch the finale of Biggest Loser hopefully Wednesday, woot woots.