Sunday has been good. We went to church and Brad did wonderfully with his talk! Our Sunday school lesson was centered around faith and our last meeting was about getting through adversity and keeping our foundation built on the ROCK of The Gospel. We came home, hung out then Katie went down for nap a little after 2PM. Brad and I were both quite tired so he fell asleep on the couch and I went to lay in bed then drifted off to sleep. I was asleep for.. about an hour and a half? I heard my phone ring but attempted to go back to sleep. Brad came and laid with me with my phone. My Aunt Cathy had called and left a message saying Mom was going back for x-rays…. ??? HUH?

I got up and called her back – yup, Moms in the hospital! Apparently, Cathy was at her house today and Mom said she had been throwing up and couldn’t breathe. She’s been pretty sick for a bit now and said she “was” getting better but apparently not. My Aunt told her that my Cousin could take her to the ER but Mom said she didn’t think she could even get out to the car so they called the ambulance. Last I heard, they were taking her back for x-rays to make sure she doesn’t have pnemonia. Oh gosh… I really hope she doesn’t. My Aunt is supposed to call me when she gets home to let me know If they are gonna send Mom home or if she’s gonna have to stay. I really worry about Mom. She’s in such fragile health and is pretty underweight. My Aunt and I both agree that she needs to take better care of her already fragile body If she wants to overcome any of this. She’d have to be willing to make some serious life changes but we all have our own choices to make. It’s just so hard to see my Mom suffering so much from not taking proper care of her health for so long. I just have to pray, pray, pray, pray.

I spent a lot of time reflecting on my Mom and her current situation this evening. Nothing special to point out for us for the remainder of the day. I’m on day 5 of the partial juice cleanse. The more I read about the juice detox… the more ready I feel to go for the FULL 30 day fast. Espically after seeing Mom going through what she’s going through. I want to take great care of my body, mind and spirit so that I can have good health. I’ve got 2 more days of the morning/evening oatmeal and yogurt then the cleanse truly TRULY begins. June will be the month I flush out, cleanse and rejuvenate my whole being. I will focus my energy on other areas to keep me busy and moving along with each day. I have that strength and I’m going to use it for the benefit of better-ing my LIFE! Once the cleanse is over, I can truly ENJOY my favorite season and time of year… SUMMER!!! I’m interested to see how much weight I can lose in the month. Celery is an excellent natral diuretic and I will be intaking a lot of celery juice!

I KNOW there is healing power in fruits and veggies. Heavenly Father put them on the earth to grow for us to eat and be happy and healthy. The modern diet and life steers us away from the pure, natural aspects of diet. The world is now plagued with FAST FOOD, fake flavors, fake sweetners, lots of ingredients that will only make us sick but the majority of the population keeps adding the toxins into their body, making them sick and they keep going in this vicious cycle of obesity, sickness and misery. If you are in that situation — you can heal with a juice cleanse. DETOX the cells in your body and you will find pure health and happiness. A lot of people, though, aren’t willing to let go of their chocolate cake, pepsi, cheesecake, Big Mac… or whatever. You can. Doesn’t mean you can’t have them EVER (just in moderation but ONLY if you can enjoy it moderately instead of really often) but If you’re not in good health then why not stop eating the very foods that are making you suffer and only that much worse off?? Take control.

Think if you didn’t get sick but once a year? Think if you didn’t have to spend so much money on DIET pills, colon CLEANSE pills, anti-aging creams and other products that are trying to sell. Guess what? YOU DON’T HAVE TO. You can achieve weight loss, vitality, youthfulness and more by drinking the fruits and vegetables of the Earth and not eating solid food for a time frame. This allows your digestive system to rest… you use up to 70 PERCENT of your energy on digesting foods… the juice cleanse without solid food allows this extra energy to be used to heal whatever is wrong with your body. The years of built up toxins from lots and lots of various thing such as anti-biotics, high fat foods and other items that only crush our health.

I haven’t even experienced the full juice cleanse yet but from the 5 days I’ve been on it 90%… I can tell a difference already. I’ve lost some weight but have suffered some detox symptoms such as hunger pains, acne on my face/neck/upper chest and a little dizziness. There’s no way I’m giving up when I know this will give me what I’ve been hoping to gain back since early 2010.

You can re-claim your FULL potential of health TOO! Don’t let fear hold you back from being the happy, healthy person Heavenly Father wants you to be. You won’t starve to death. The cleanse will do just what the word implies — CLEAN YOUR BODY. I could seriously sit and talk about The Gospel, healthy living and healthy foods all day long!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it.

Now that we have some extra time since Brad is OFF work tomorrow for Memorial Day, I want to watch our Netflix movie… REMEMBER ME! Yes, I do think Robert Pattinson is eye candy. Yum.