Thankful for another Sabbath Day!!! We got up and headed off to church as usual… we have a new member in our Ward and he looked to be 16 maybe? He had a huuuuuge spirit to him but Brad was unsure of his story. The way he talked of The Gospel reminded me of that “fire” I had when I was so happy and uplifted in early 2010. I can’t wait to have that spark again. And I WILL. Then it was off to teach the 8 year olds!! Brad sat in class with me again since my teaching partner won’t be back until next Sunday. Two of the “regular” kids in the class came back today and they haven’t been at church in months due to traveling and various things so putting all of them back together = ROWDY bunch!! They would not hush and pay attention but I did the best I could, hah. We moved into the bigger class for the last hour with all the other age groups and wow, it wasn’t just my kids in the 8 year old age group, ALL the kids were not cooperating as well today!

Church was over and we headed home. Katie did alright this evening… only a few little fits. I had my egg scramble combo for lunch. After she went down for nap, I decided to have this…..

MOJO! I’ve actually never tried the Clif Mojo’s before and it was good. I was pretty sleepy myself so I went and piled up on the bed and took a looooooovely nap!!! Brad laid down eventually too. I woke up at 5pm and made a protein packed snack of cottage cheese, vanilla protein powder and a little strawberry jam. Katie got up, ate then played… I read my college chapter and othe reading assignments for the upcoming week.

Check out my yummy dinner plate!

Baked salmon, okra, PEAS + sauteed onion and greens!!! I am making sure to keep track of the fats in my diet and today’s total came to around 51g, woot woot. I’m sticking to a good amount of protein, proper amount of fats and only so many carbs since I know that was my main KEY to losing all my weight was to back way off the carbs.

This evening, Katie watched me play SUPER MARIO BROS WIIIII for a bit before we decided to check out the cartoon…. phineas and ferb!!! Of course Katie was GLUED to the screen, lol. Brad and I actually enjoyed it too – haha! He put Katie to bed and my dessert was EQUAL TO: plain yog, almond butter, truvia, cinnamon and half a naner! I didn’t leave it in the freezer long enough but eh, I put part of it on a ice cream cone then ate the rest!

As soon as I finish catchin up online, Brad and I are gonna watch INCEPTION !!! Also, it’s HOT in the apartment even with the air on… grrr. Well, I am thankful for another day and that today WAS better than yesterday. Thankful for my Heavenly Father and I KNOW living The Gospel will change your life because it has changed mine!!!!!!