I have felt worse today …. =( I think it’s my diet. In fact, I’m pretty sure it is. The meats are to blame. I have not been sick since before my veggie juice fast in June and I DO NOT want to be sick again like I was and the last 2 days I feel like I’m heading in that direction again so it’s time to re-evaluate and change my diet AGAIN. The only diff between my diet since the veggie juice up until now is recently I started eating meat again… mistake!

Having PCOS and all this imbalance is so confusing. I really need to get a new gyno since I need my check-up anyhow and to get my hormone levels checked out and maybe get some insight. *sigh* I just want to be in good health, lose this blasted weight, be able to exercise and FEEL GREAT. I’m gonna keep trying.

Great thing about today??? MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND came to visit me again! Last time I saw her was late June on the last day of my veggie juice fast. Today she arrived with her baby girl and we all walked to the nearest park. Of course her and I talked, talked, talked, talked. We could talk all day and still want to talk about a zillion other things!!!! I wish we could spend a one-on-one day together just chatting it up about our childhood memories and current lives, too. We have known each other 17 YEARS !!! Of course, we just recently “met again” since June was the first time I had seen her since I was 11 because I moved away. She is a great friend and I hope we can get closer again. I was so happy we got to hang out… the girls played at the park then we took the long walk back in the heat. That really kicked my butt. I’ve felt kindof weak and I just don’t want to do ANYTHING.

Luckily, the only thing I have left to accomplish for the week is finishing my one-page paper for college. That’s ALL I AM DOING TOMORROW and then shopping with my lovie tomorrow evening… which YAY I can’t wait for !!! Gotta work up a new food list for myself so I can work on getting better. I WILL I WILL I WILL.

I have faith. It will all work out, eventually. I will get my hormones balance, I will lose weight, I will be LEAN, fit, energetic and vibrant as I once was. Darn you, PCOS. Darn ME for not eating the right diet while losing weight that lead to all this mess. Ah well, you live… you learn. I will be better for these struggles.

Time to relax before bed. Know that you are loved !!!