STRESS IS EATING ME ALIVE. My body is in such a mess that it is hard for me to handle stress and Katie seems to CONSTANTLY push my buttons EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I seriously want to be on my own deserted island.

We went to bed late last night…. not unusual for a Saturday night, even though we have to get up early for church. Well, I woke up at like 4AM? and had to use the bathroom. Went back to sleep. We usually get up around 7-7:30AM for church. This morning, we woke up at 8AM… woops. We could of gotten up, hurried, and gotten to church. Did we? Sad to say…….. no. We should have. We really should have. Instead, we both just slept.

Later in the day, I got out the LION KING tape that my Mom gave me that was mine & we all sat down and watched it. I love that movie. I LOVE the music. It’s weird watching that tape because it shows previews for movies back in 1995!!!!!!! Sheesh. I had EVERYTHING Lion King. Shirts, hats, watch, the cassette tape to listen/sing to, stuffed animals, the Sega game, and who knows what else. It will ALWAYS be my favorite. I named our puppy (who passed away a few years ago) Simba BECAUSE of that movie. It always makes me tear up… especially now, after all these years. Thinking back to memories and it usually digs up a smidgen of EXACTLY how I felt when I watched it as a kid. Thank you Disney.

I would really like to just get out and away for like….. 2 months. I cannot wait until my Docs appointment on the 28th to see what comes about. Tonight, we’re prob gonna watch this weeks eppy of The Office and Fringe. Then starts a new week. Looking at my weather widget, it seems we’re gonna have rain throughout this week………. yuck.

I am thankful, just wishing I could feel good.